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Saturday, September 18, 2010


I found an old book,
The book is full of thoughts of you all,
And all the many things that said and done,
As I feel the presence anew,
I am filled with warmth,
and my heart remembers love.

As I go through the book,
Trying to recall each single thought,
I remember who you all used to be,
The laughter we shared,
The talks we shared,
It's all written clearly in my book.

Perhaps, you all are the morning birds,
Singing joyfully in the sunrise,
Enlighten the days of mine,
Or the rainbow of colors,
Lighting up the skies of mine.

I miss you all,
Miss the presence of you all in my life,
But it's okay,
As I have already put you all into a book of mine,
A book which is always lock in my heart,
A book that called "MEMORY"


It's just a random poem that was running in my mind through out the day and I thought it's better for me to blog it out. Well, this poem is specify to a group of friends, which I take them as my close friends. Hopefully you all know who you are. I will always miss you all and my love for you all will never end!
Keep our friendship alive! ISDQMY ALL!!! ♥♥♥♥